Apple said on Monday that it has sold more than 4 million iPhone 4S smartphones since its launch three days ago, setting a sales record for the device. Over the weekend, the company sold more than twice the 1.7 million iPhone 4s that it sold during last year's opening weekend, though the numbers are a bit skewed: This year's iPhone was simultaneously launched in the United States, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan and the United Kingdom, while last year's launch did not include Australia and Canada. Let us not forget however, that the iPhone 4S is available today only in United States, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan and United Kingdom. 28 October will be available in other 22 countries by the end of the world. This means that iPhone 4S will likely continue to break record sales of mobile phones.
"IPhone 4S is off to a great start," Philip Schiller, Apple's head of marketing, said in a prepared statement. "IPhone 4S is a hit with customers around the world, and together with iOS 5 and iCloud, is the best iPhone ever."
Apple also announced that more than 25 million customers have downloaded or purchased a device with iOS 5, the new mobile software that powers the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. The latest version of the operating system became available on Oct. 12.
The new iPhone appears physically the same as the iPhone 4, but the guts are improved: it features a new, faster processor called the A5, which debuted in the iPad 2. It also includes a better, 8-megapixel camera, an improved antenna, and Siri, the new voice command software that's billed as an on-board personal assistant.
Siri has already become a cult sensation, inspiring glowing reviews and blogs devoted to chronicling her more amusing quotes. She's got opinions about the meaning of life ("42") and the best place to hide a body ("metal foundries" and "swamps" make the list).
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